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A software for traceability is essential for monitoring and recording the journey of a product along the entire supply chain. This tool allows the identification of the origin, production, and distribution of each component, improving quality management and the response to potential issues.


* The location references on the map are randomized to prevent the disclosure of sensitive information.

For the development of this application, we chose to use Laravel, a PHP framework for web software development that offers numerous advantages. Its expressive syntax and clear architecture encourage the writing of clean code, while the Artisan command-line tool simplifies repetitive tasks.

With an advanced ORM called Eloquent and a powerful routing system, Laravel facilitates interaction with the database and the management of HTTP requests. The Blade template engine promotes the separation between presentation logic and business logic, while built-in security features and database migrations contribute to ensuring the application's robustness. Supported by an active community, Laravel integrates modern tools for efficient and scalable web development.


Laravel provides an ideal environment to ensure the scalability of web applications through several key features, becoming crucial for the creation of an application built on the specific needs of the client that necessarily requires adaptations and implementations over time.

Thanks to tools like traffic management, modular architecture, and support for database sharding, Laravel allows for an efficient distribution of resources to handle increasing volumes of data. Its ability to integrate with horizontal scaling solutions, advanced cache management, and ease of queue management contribute to enhancing performance and ensuring a rapid response, adapting to dynamic and continuously evolving traffic needs.

Creative direction and PM
Francesco Vincenzi

Operational and technological management
Adriano Feruglio

Web development
Pasquale Gallo

Graphic Development
Elisabetta Ubaldini

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Via dei Prati Fiscali 158
00141 Roma



Via Volta 13
40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto


Via Corriera 16
41033 Concordia 

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