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For the development of our website, we chose to implement the Three.js library, an open-source resource based on JavaScript, built on WebGL. This library greatly simplifies the development of interactive 3D graphics within the browser without requiring the installation of additional plugins.

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The goal was to create a unique experience, combining creativity and advanced technical skills. We started with the idea of dynamically animating objects and/or texts, transforming their shape as the page scrolls. The aim was to create an alternative aesthetic narrative by showcasing the capabilities of the 3D tool.


The choice of Three.js was motivated by its ability to simplify 3D programming and provide a comprehensive set of tools for creating scenes, objects, and animations.

The flexibility of using the Three.js library opens up countless possibilities for creative and narrative applications, extending its impact well beyond our specific context. This approach is not limited to a single field but can be transformed and customized to fit a wide range of scenarios and needs, highlighting its ability to provide engaging and visually appealing solutions in multiple contexts.

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Following the concept outlined, we moved on to the graphic development phase, exploring different ways of visualizing elements. Among the various options, we selected a mode that allowed for a particulate form description of objects, an option that proved not only aesthetically appealing but also enabled a creative approach in terms of both animation and interaction with the objects.

This choice has been advantageous not just from a visual standpoint but also in terms of creative flexibility. By integrating the graphic work with subsequent technical tests focused on the interactivity of objects, in relation to both mouse movement and page scrolling with text appearance, we achieved the result currently visible online. The dynamic interaction of elements, combined with a particulate presentation, has allowed us to create an engaging online experience that reflects our innovative and creative approach.

Creative direction and PM
Francesco Vincenzi

Operational and technological management
Adriano Feruglio

TreeJS Web Development
Gianluca Lomarco

3D modeling
Alex Lomarco

Web development
Pasquale Gallo

Graphic Development
Gianluca Lomarco
Kamelija Gievska

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Via dei Prati Fiscali 158 
00141 Rome



Via Volta 13 
40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto


Via Corriera 16
41033 Concordia 

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